Terms and Conditions


This is to inform all our visitors and users that all the information and contents of our site is copyrighted and our site is for sole purpose of your personal use. 

2.Acceptance of Terms 

By accessing and using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. That by accessing or using our site or any other portal you agree to the said terms and conditions and are legally obliged to adhere to the same. 

3.Use of Content 

All content on this website is for informational purposes only. You may not modify, reproduce, or distribute any material without prior written consent. 

4. Copyright and Intellectual Property  

  1. All the information and content shared on our portal is copyrighted and is the sole property of Sustainability Economics Pte. Ltd. Any claims or publishing of any part or constituent of our articles, blogs, data analysis shall amount to breach and invite liability. 
  1. All content, including text, images, graphics, trademarks, logos and multimedia on this website is the intellectual property of Sustainability Economics Pte. Ltd. Unauthorised use or reproduction is strictly prohibited without proper written consent. 
  1. We reserve the right to change our copyright policy from time to time by publishing an updated policy on our Website, which shall become effective and replace any previous policy with effect from publication. 
  1. Breach or unauthorised use of any intellectual property amounts to breach of the said terms and conditions and amounts to liability under the prescribed law. 

5.Usage and Restrictions on use 

  1. All the information and content displayed  on our website is strictly for your personal use only. The information can be accessed on the website by registering and creating a login as user.. The sole purpose of the site is to provide latest news, updates and information to our globally registered customers. Users must not engage in any activity that disrupts the website, violates laws, or infringes on the rights of others. 
  1. The users can print the content published on our website only for their personal use and it cannot be used for publishing or advertising any other commercial activity. All our users and subscribers are required not to use or publish the feed as part of a paid for service or for other commercial gain. 
  1. By accessing our site, you affirm that any resale, transfer or benefit arising out of your usage shall in any manner not constitute any profitable activity. 
  1. Information and data published on our site can be shared by all our users via shared links. However, our users are prohibited for any kind of plagiarism for third party sharing. 
  1. We only allow third party advertising relating to our portal with prior permission. 
  1. Our services or portal cannot be used for any illegal or illicit purposes.  Any usage which is in violation of any law/regulation or guidelines is strictly prohibited. 
  1. All information received by us from your use of the website will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. By using this website, you consent to our privacy practices. 
  1. Copy, publish or redistribute full text articles, photographs, graphics, tables or images in any way (except as permitted by any sharing tools we make available) is strictly prohibited. 
  1. Create derivative works from our content, unless you are creating summaries as described above is not permitted. 

6. Termination  

  1. We reserve the right to terminate or suspend access to the website for any violation of these terms. 
  1. You can use the unsubscribe link in your user account in case you want with our services or no longer need the said subscription. Please ensure that unsubscribing our page will only terminate your user subscription with us, yet you will be bound to all the other terms and conditions while accessing our website or any other electronic portal. 

7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction 

  1. These terms and conditions are governed by  laws of Singapore and the parties accessing the Website agree/submit/concede to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Singapore. In case of any dispute kindly reach out to us at contact@sustainabilityeconomicsnews.com  
  1. We expect our users to resolve any issue or dispute amicably. However, if in any case we fail to resolve the said dispute amicably within a span of 30 days, then such disputes shall be subjected to Arbitration.  
  1. All disputes and differences by and between the Parties hereto, in any way relating to or connected with Our Website or portal and/or anything done in pursuance hereof shall be referred to arbitration. The Lessor and Lessee shall jointly appoint a sole arbitrator.  
  1. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the SIAC Rules of Arbitration or its statutory modifications amendments or re-enactment thereof. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the Parties.  
  1. The venue and seat of the arbitration shall be at Singapore. The language of the arbitration shall be in English. The arbitration proceedings and all other matters connected to the arbitration hereunder shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts at Singapore. 

8. Waiver 

It is pertinent to note that any Inability our end to enforce any clause of this T and C shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or our rights. 

9. Severability 

If any of the above covenants or conditions is found to be invalid or cannot be enforced under the adjudicating law, in such case it shall not affect the enforceability of the rest of the T & Cs. 

10 Entire Agreement 

All the terms and conditions of our agreement with all our users are not limited to these T and Cs but also includes Privacy Policy and all the inherent rights which exist by default over our intellectual property. 

11.  Miscellaneous  

  1. Please note that we may change these terms and conditions from time to time at our sole discretion and we reserve the right to do so without your consent. All our users are requested to kindly keep a check on the portal for the same. 
  1. Kindly note that links to all other sites/advertisements or any other pop-ups/cookies of other websites or applications published on our portal does not ensure privacy and terms which are guaranteed by us.  
  1. We recommend you to go through the Privacy Policy in order to know the whereabouts of how your data and information is protected with us. 
  1. We are not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use of this website.