C-Questra announced that it had inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Central Mining Institute-National Research Institute in Poland (GIG-PIB) to partner on developing carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) projects in Poland.
Fernanda Veloso, Technical Director at C-Questra, said, “The purpose of the MoU is to maximise our chances, with the help of a prestigious partner, to deliver a first operational CCUS project in Poland who recently introduced legislative amendments aiming at lifting bureaucratic hurdles in order to accelerate the adoption of crucial CCUS technology on large industrial scale.”
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The partnership comes as Poland looks to expand its renewables and reduce its emissions to achieve its net-zero goal by 2050. In October last year, Poland implemented regulatory changes amending the Geological and Mining Law and the Energy Law.
These amendments streamline regulations related to previously inactive CCUS technology, thereby creating new opportunities for its application within the country.
The October amendment broadened the scope of regulatory changes, eliminating restrictions that previously confined CCUS technology to demonstration projects. Now, the framework allows for CCUS deployment on a large industrial scale.
At the investment planning stage, a license is no longer mandatory for locating or identifying a CCUS installation site. Instead, investors need only prepare a geological project and secure approval from the Chief State Geologist. Small-scale installations (e.g., storing less than 100 kilotons of CO2) are exempt from licensing requirements.
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GIG-PIB is a recognised national research institute with 12 scientific research departments and 416 employees who intend to provide expertise and technological support to C-Questra.
The expertise and technological support will be focused on accelerating the development of certain carbon storage projects in Poland.
C-Questra is an Amsterdam-based carbon transportation and storage operator founded in 2023. In January of this year, the company filed its first CCUS permit application in France to further evaluate an onshore CO2 injection site in the Paris Basin area.