Vaulted Deep, a company specializing in biomass carbon removal and storage (BiCRS), has announced the successful delivery of its initial tonnes as part of an offtake agreement with Frontier.
This milestone initiates Vaulted’s monthly deliveries, all verified by third parties. Since its launch in September 2023, Vaulted has quickly deployed high-quality carbon dioxide removal (CDR), accumulating over 5,000 tonnes removed to date.
In May 2024, Frontier revealed a $58.3 million agreement with Vaulted Deep to eliminate 152,480 tonnes of CO₂ between 2024 and 2027 permanently. This delivery represents the first instalment of the multi-year partnership.
Also read: Frontier Partners with CarbonRun to Launch First River Liming Carbon Removal Project
“In just over a year, Vaulted delivered all of the tons from a small prepurchase and is now kicking off deliveries under our multi-year offtake agreement with Frontier buyers,” said Hannah Bebbington, Head of Deployment at Frontier.
She added, “By tapping into existing industrial technology and expertise, they’re deploying with the speed and volume needed to get carbon removal to gigaton scale.”
Vaulted Deep, spun out of Advantek Waste Management Services, specializes in removing carbon-rich organic waste, including biosolids, agricultural and livestock waste, and paper mill sludge.
By permanently storing this waste underground, Vaulted prevents carbon dioxide from re-entering the atmosphere. In September 2023, Frontier became Vaulted’s first customer, pre-purchasing 1,666 tonnes, all of which have been third-party audited and delivered.
Also read: Frontier secures $40 million DAC offtake agreement with 280 Earth
The company operates two permitted injection sites in Los Angeles County and Hutchinson, Kansas, facilitating efficient CDR. Vaulted plans to open additional wells to optimize feedstock availability and transportation.
Their process begins with vegetation absorbing CO₂, which eventually becomes waste. Instead of being incinerated or landfilled—releasing captured CO₂—Vaulted transforms this waste into a carbon-rich slurry for deep geological storage.
Vaulted’s CDR also offers co-benefits, such as reducing methane emissions (not counted in credit accounting), minimizing waterborne diseases, and addressing pollution that impacts marginalized communities.
Their carbon removal credits are issued through Isometric, a registry that ensures rapid verification of carbon removal. Utilizing Isometric’s dMRV system, Vaulted can deliver credits swiftly, reducing the typical credit issuance timeframe from months to days.
As the CDR industry grows, delivering rapidly is essential for achieving the United Nations’ IPCC goal of permanently removing at least five gigatons of carbon annually by 2050 to mitigate climate change.